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Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 Black Diamond Telescope

Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 Black Diamond Telescope

Regular price £466.00
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Discover the wonders of the sky without further delay. The brightest objects in the deep sky (nebulae, globular clusters or galaxies) are easily observable and, far from the light pollution of cities, they even show detail. In combination with good eyepieces and UHC or Deep-Sky type interference filters, choose the magnification that best suits the object you are looking at. Combined with a binocular head, discover the sky like never before. The relief print looks "unreal" and yet the Orion Nebula really takes on a particular three-dimensional appearance. The comfort of observation thanks to the use of our two eyes reduces eye strain and gives access to more details! Let's try it as soon as possible!

A Newton Sky-Watcher 150/750 (f/5) optical tube

With a 150mm primary mirror, the Sky-Watcher Newton 150 captures 73% more light than a 114mm telescope. Under a very dark sky, it is then possible to see many sky objects barely distinguishable on smaller diameter instruments. It promises beginners many discoveries. In planetary observing, you will reveal many details about Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon using a Barlow lens or short focal eyepiece.

Its Newton design offers several advantages over other families of instruments (telescopes and Cassegrain telescopes). Mirror manufacturing is more economical for the same diameter and its average focal length (750 mm) is very versatile. Then you benefit from an attractive budget for a brilliant telescope that provides a diversified field of observation. The central obstruction is also weaker than Cassegrain-type telescopes.

Focus is obtained through a Crayford bi-flow focuser, 2'' (50.8 mm) and 1.25'' (31.75 mm). Adaptation to the 31.75 mm slide is carried out using a supplied mechanical reducer. Therefore, you can use the optional eyepieces and accessories available on both sliders. A clamping screw located below the focuser maintains focus according to the orientation of the optical tube.

Unlike very cheaply made or small diameter Newton telescopes, the 150, 200, 254 and 300 mm Newton Sky-Watchers have a parabolic primary mirror. The mirrors are polished spherically and then trimmed to achieve a paraboloid shape (more expensive and difficult to obtain). This is an essential selection criterion for instruments larger than 130 mm and with a short focal length.

To present as little obstruction as possible, the secondary (flat) mirror mounting bracket has 4 thin branches, 0.5 mm wide. Sufficiently rigid, they thus limit diffraction peaks in bright stars and excessive loss of luminosity.

A 6x30 achromatic viewfinder on its support is also supplied as standard.

An EQ3-2 equatorial mount with aluminum tripod

For hobbyists interested in visual observation, the EQ3-2 mount allows for quality observations without too much vibration. The most massive version, the HEQ5 Pro Go-To mount, will be preferable for those who want to get started in long exposure astrophotography.

The adaptation of the optical tube is carried out using a standard female dovetail of the Vixen type. An accessory tray ensures good rigidity of the assembly. The EQ3-2 mount can be equipped with a polar finder (optional) to be installed on the polar axis to quickly set up the station.

The EQ3-2 mount supports many telescopes up to 150mm diameter (5.5kg max) or telescopes up to 100mm diameter. It has fine movements in azimuth and latitude to facilitate positioning and the controls allow you to compensate for the Earth's rotation (keeping the object in the center of the eyepiece field).


optical tube
optical formula newton
Useful diameter 150mm
Focal length 750mm
F/D Ratio 5
Recommended Maximum Magnification 200x
Focus system Crayford Skywatcher
Focuser Standard double slider, 2'' (50.8 mm) and 1.25'' (31.75 mm)
Mount German type EQ3-2 equatorial mount
Graduated circles on both axes
Motorization In option
polar finder In option

Height-adjustable aluminum tripod (71 cm to 123 cm) with accessory holder spacer

Optical tube specifications:

  • Optical tube length 690mm
  • Optical tube diameter 182mm
  • Optical tube weight 4.9 kg


  • Frame weight, without counterweight 6 kg
  • Mount load capacity 5.5kg
  • Tripod weight 2.8 kg

We also have a motorized mount or GoTo mount available. Ask us!

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