Major Astronomical Events of August 2024
The month of August 2024 brings with it a series of fascinating astronomical events that promise to amaze both amateur and expert observers. Here we detail the main phenomena that can be enjoyed during this month:
August 4: New Moon
The month begins with the New Moon on August 4. This is the time when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, making it invisible from our planet. It is an excellent time for observing other celestial bodies, as the absence of moonlight allows for better visibility of the deep sky.
August 6 and 7: Mercury, Venus and Moon
At dusk on August 6 and 7, Mercury, Venus and the Moon set in that order, offering a spectacular sight as you look toward the western horizon shortly after sunset.
August 12: First Quarter and Maximum of the Perseids
On August 12, the Moon will reach its first quarter phase. However, the main attraction of the evening will be the Perseid meteor shower, which will peak between the evening of August 12 and the early morning of August 13. The Perseids are known for being one of the most active and brightest meteor showers of the year. Although the first quarter Moon will make it difficult to observe the faintest shooting stars early in the evening, the best views can be had in the early morning when the Moon has set.
August 14: Conjunction of Mars and Jupiter
During the early hours of August 14, Mars and Jupiter will be in conjunction. This event is particularly notable because both planets will appear very close in the sky at dawn. Early bird observers will have the opportunity to see this impressive close-up of two of the largest and brightest planets in the solar system.
August 19: Full Moon
The full moon will occur on August 19. This phase is always a stunning visual spectacle and offers an excellent opportunity to observe details of the lunar surface, such as craters and maria, using binoculars or telescopes.
August 21: Occultation of Saturn by the Moon
One of the most anticipated events of the month is the occultation of Saturn by the Moon on August 21. From the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands, it will be possible to observe how the Moon occults Saturn for just over an hour. This phenomenon is an excellent opportunity to see two celestial bodies in direct interaction.
August 26: Last Quarter Moon
The Moon will enter its last quarter phase on August 26, marking the beginning of the last week of the lunar cycle. This phase is ideal for observing the lunar surface in detail due to the long shadows that highlight the terrain features.
August 26-28: Moon conjunctions with Uranus, Mars and Jupiter
Towards the end of the month, the mornings of August 26-28 will offer a series of conjunctions of the Moon with Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter. These events are perfect for observers looking to capture multiple celestial bodies in close proximity, providing unique opportunities for astrophotography.
Other Phenomena and Observations
Throughout the month, Venus will be visible above the western horizon at dusk, standing out as the brightest point in that direction. Additionally, Jupiter and Saturn will be prominent in the dawn sky, with Mars close behind Jupiter, creating a trio of planets observable to the naked eye.
On August 15, the Sun in Madrid will rise at 7:26 and set at 21:12, Spanish peninsular time, offering almost 14 hours of daylight. This fact is relevant for planning observations, especially in the morning and evening, ensuring that the darkest hours of the day are taken advantage of.
August 2024 promises to be a month packed with exciting astronomical events, providing multiple opportunities to enjoy and explore the night sky. Whether observing the Perseid meteor shower, contemplating planetary conjunctions, or following the lunar cycle, there is something for every astronomy enthusiast this month.