Astro Telescopes Blog

¿Qué telescopio se recomienda para ver las bandas de nubes de Júpiter?

What telescope is recommended for viewing Jupit...

To view Jupiter's cloud bands with clarity and detail, a good quality telescope with certain specific features is recommended. Here are some general recommendations.

What telescope is recommended for viewing Jupit...

To view Jupiter's cloud bands with clarity and detail, a good quality telescope with certain specific features is recommended. Here are some general recommendations.

¿Qué puedes ver con un telescopio refractor de 60 a 70 mm de apertura?

What can you see with a refractor telescope wit...

If you have come this far it is because you are interested in astronomy and want to know a little more about the differences between each telescope and what can...

What can you see with a refractor telescope wit...

If you have come this far it is because you are interested in astronomy and want to know a little more about the differences between each telescope and what can...

Nishimura (C/2023 P1), el nuevo cometa que es visible con un telescopio de iniciación

Nishimura (C/2023 P1), the new comet that is vi...

Comet Nishimura ( C/2023 P1), named in recognition of its discoverer, is approaching Earth. Today it is visible with small telescopes and in a few days also with binoculars .

Nishimura (C/2023 P1), the new comet that is vi...

Comet Nishimura ( C/2023 P1), named in recognition of its discoverer, is approaching Earth. Today it is visible with small telescopes and in a few days also with binoculars .

Recomendación de telescopio compacto y portátil

Compact and portable telescope recommendation

Choosing a compact and portable astronomical telescope depends on your needs and budget. Here are some popular options that might be right for you: Portable Dobsonian Telescope: Dobsonian telescopes are...

Compact and portable telescope recommendation

Choosing a compact and portable astronomical telescope depends on your needs and budget. Here are some popular options that might be right for you: Portable Dobsonian Telescope: Dobsonian telescopes are...

Consejos para regalar un telescopio infantil

Tips for giving a children's telescope

Are you looking for a children's telescope as a gift? In this article we give you some tips that could help you make the right decision. Telescopes, as a general...

Tips for giving a children's telescope

Are you looking for a children's telescope as a gift? In this article we give you some tips that could help you make the right decision. Telescopes, as a general...

¿Qué puedo ver con un telescopio reflector de 130mm de abertura?

What can I see with a 130mm aperture reflector ...

Reflecting telescopes with a 130 mm aperture are considered by most amateurs to be the ideal telescope to begin astronomical observation. With this telescope you can take the first steps...

What can I see with a 130mm aperture reflector ...

Reflecting telescopes with a 130 mm aperture are considered by most amateurs to be the ideal telescope to begin astronomical observation. With this telescope you can take the first steps...