Eclipse solar total en España ¿cuándo y dónde verlo?

Total solar eclipse in Spain, when and where to see it?

After the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, many people have wondered: when will another similar eclipse be observed? The answer is in Spain and it will have a total solar eclipse on August 12, 2026.

The solar eclipse on August 12, 2026 will be visible as a total in parts of Greenland, Iceland and the northern half of Spain. This is a unique opportunity for many people and is worth seeing.

Path of the solar eclipse on August 12, 2026. Source: Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC / Wikimedia Commons
Path of the solar eclipse on August 12, 2026. Source: Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC / Wikimedia Commons
Specifically, the total solar eclipse will move from La Coruña (at 8:30 p.m.) to Palma de Mallorca, where it will coincide with sunset.
The total eclipse can be seen from the following provincial capitals:
  • Bilbao
  • Burgos
  • Castellon
  • La Coruna
  • Basin
  • Guadalajara
  • Huesca
  • Lion
  • Lleida
  • Logrono
  • lugo
  • Oviedo
  • Palencia
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • Santander
  • Segovia
  • Soria
  • Tarragona
  • Teruel
  • Valencia
  • Valladolid
  • Victoria
  • Zamora
  • Saragossa
The map below shows the path of the eclipse, the central red line marks the best location to observe it.
Route of the total solar eclipse in Spain on August 12, 2026. Source: Wikicommons
Route of the total solar eclipse in Spain on August 12, 2026. Source: Wikicommons
"Madrid and Barcelona are completely outside the area of ​​totality. Of all the Spanish provincial capitals mentioned, Oviedo will be where the magnitude and duration of the eclipse totality phase (1m 48s) will be greatest."

The show will not only be in heaven. As NASA explains, those people who are in the path of the eclipse will experience the moment of totality - the period in which the Moon completely blocks the surface of the Sun - variations in wind direction, drops in air temperatures or changes in the behavior of animals and insects.

Recommendations for observing the total eclipse in Spain

Whether you live in the area or not, plan your trip, where will you go to see it? Look for clear locations, take an umbrella, water, sunscreen to protect your skin and, above all, sunglasses with an approved filter. Special glasses must be purchased in advance, guarantee yours and your loved ones by purchasing in advance.
Glasses for solar observation have a useful life of 10 years if stored in a suitable place. They are sold in astronomy stores such as Astro Telescopes.
Glasses to observe solar eclipse
Can I see the solar eclipse with a telescope?
The answer is yes, as long as you have the right filter to cover the entire opening of the tube. Some telescopes are already sold with the filter, which is another accessory.
To be able to see the total circumference of the Sun, lower magnification eyepieces are recommended, 20mm and preferably 25mm to have a larger field of view.
Telescope with solar filter
A telescope with an aperture between 50mm and 80mm is enough to observe the event. They are also lighter and some are sold with a backpack for transport.
If you already have a telescope, on this page you can see the different solar filters available:

Buy in advance, don't wait days before the event because you could run out.

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