Astronomical Events in July 2024
July 2024 promises to be a fascinating month for astronomy enthusiasts. With a variety of planets visible, bright comets and spectacular meteor showers, the night sky will be full of celestial wonders.
At Astro Telescopes we offer you a summary of the most notable astronomical events so that you do not miss any opportunity to observe these incredible phenomena.
Planets visible in July 2024
Planets visible in the Northern Hemisphere
- Mercury (mag 0.1): Visible in the northwest sky at night, moving from Cancer to Leo.
- Venus : Difficult to see due to its proximity to the Sun.
- Mars (mag 1.0): Visible in the morning in the eastern sky, moving from Aries to Taurus.
- Jupiter (mag -1.9): Low on the eastern horizon in Taurus, visible in the morning.
- Saturn (mag 0.9): Visible in Aquarius in the morning.
- Uranus (mag 5.7): Visible with binoculars in the eastern sky in Taurus.
- Neptune (mag 7.9): Visible in the southeast sky in Pisces during the night and morning.
Planets visible in the Southern Hemisphere
- Mercury (mag 0.1): Visible in the northwest sky at night, moving from Cancer to Leo.
- Venus (mag -3.9): Visible at the end of the month in the evening sky in Cancer.
- Mars (mag 1.0): Visible in the northeast sky in the morning, moving from Aries to Taurus.
- Jupiter (mag -1.9): Visible in the northeast in the morning in Taurus.
- Saturn (mag 0.9): Visible at night and in the morning in Aquarius.
- Uranus (mag 5.7): Visible with binoculars in the northeast in the morning in Taurus.
- Neptune (mag 7.9): Visible in Pisces during the night and morning.
Constellations visible in July 2024
Constellations visible in the Northern Hemisphere
- Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila : They form the Summer Triangle, visible in the sky.
Constellations visible in the Southern Hemisphere
- Scorpius, Sagittarius and Ophiuchus : High in the sky during July.
Comets visible in July 2024
13P/Olbers :
- Best comet to observe in July, maximum brightness of mag 6.7 reached on June 30.
- Visible throughout the month with binoculars , two hours after sunset in the northwest.
C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) :
- Potentially the best comet of 2024, currently at magnitude of about 9-10.
- Visible with small telescopes , observable in both hemispheres, better in southern latitudes in the afternoons.
- It will not be visible in August due to its proximity to the Sun.
Meteor Showers in July 2024
July Pegasids :
July γ-Draconids :
Southern δ-Aquaridae :
α-Capricornids :
Conjunctions: Moon and Planets
- July 1 : Mars near the thin Moon before dawn.
- July 3 : Jupiter near the Moon in the eastern sky before dawn.
- July 24 : Saturn near the almost full Moon, visible with the naked eye or with binoculars. In East Africa and South Asia, Saturn will set behind the Moon.
In summary, July 2024 offers an excellent opportunity to observe a variety of planets, constellations, comets and meteor showers, with notable events such as Comet 13P/Olbers and the southern δ-Aquariids, especially for observers in the Southern Hemisphere. .