Astro Telescopes Blog

La lluvia de meteoros de las gemínidas: un espectáculo astronómico deslumbrante

The Geminid meteor shower: a dazzling astronomi...

Prepared with a chair and wrapped in blankets, I find myself in a remote corner away from urban lights, ready to witness the celestial spectacle of the Geminids. The night,...

The Geminid meteor shower: a dazzling astronomi...

Prepared with a chair and wrapped in blankets, I find myself in a remote corner away from urban lights, ready to witness the celestial spectacle of the Geminids. The night,...

¿Qué son los objetos Messier y cómo observarlos?

What are Messier objects and how to observe them?

Explore the Cosmos: Discover the fascinating Messier objects with telescopes of various apertures. From the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) to the Orion Nebula (M42), each celestial view reveals cosmic wonders. Look...

What are Messier objects and how to observe them?

Explore the Cosmos: Discover the fascinating Messier objects with telescopes of various apertures. From the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) to the Orion Nebula (M42), each celestial view reveals cosmic wonders. Look...

Explorando el Universo con el Telescopio Refractor de 70 mm de Skywatcher

Exploring the Universe with the Skywatcher 70mm...

Discover the cosmos with the Skywatcher 70 mm aperture Refractor Telescope at Astro Telescopes. This telescope combines an impressive 70mm aperture with a 700mm focal length, offering detailed images of...

Exploring the Universe with the Skywatcher 70mm...

Discover the cosmos with the Skywatcher 70 mm aperture Refractor Telescope at Astro Telescopes. This telescope combines an impressive 70mm aperture with a 700mm focal length, offering detailed images of...

El Cometa Tempel-Tuttle y la Lluvia de las Leónidas

Comet Tempel-Tuttle and the Leonid Shower

Each year, the Leonid shower lights up the sky thanks to comet Tempel-Tuttle, which visits our solar system every 33 years, leaving a trail of bright meteors in its wake....

Comet Tempel-Tuttle and the Leonid Shower

Each year, the Leonid shower lights up the sky thanks to comet Tempel-Tuttle, which visits our solar system every 33 years, leaving a trail of bright meteors in its wake....

Telescopios Astromaster de Celestron y su Motor de Seguimiento

Celestron Astromaster Telescopes and their Trac...

Celestron Astromaster, a stargate for sky explorers. With quality optics and stable frames, reveal the secrets of the universe. Its tracking engine elevates the experience, allowing for prolonged observation and...

Celestron Astromaster Telescopes and their Trac...

Celestron Astromaster, a stargate for sky explorers. With quality optics and stable frames, reveal the secrets of the universe. Its tracking engine elevates the experience, allowing for prolonged observation and...

Regala el Telescopio Sky-Watcher Mak127 AZ-Go2 estas Navidades

Give the gift of the Sky-Watcher Mak127 AZ-Go2 ...

Discover the perfect gift for space lovers. The Sky-Watcher Mak127 AZ-Go2 Telescope offers unmatched power and clarity, with its advanced automount and compact design. Ideal for planetary and lunar observing,...

Give the gift of the Sky-Watcher Mak127 AZ-Go2 ...

Discover the perfect gift for space lovers. The Sky-Watcher Mak127 AZ-Go2 Telescope offers unmatched power and clarity, with its advanced automount and compact design. Ideal for planetary and lunar observing,...