Newton reflector with adapter for smartphone camera
Reflector telescope, suitable for observations of deep sky objects
Smartphone adapter included
Newton telescope / carbon design / LED finder
For night and day observations (solar filter included)
Includes: telescope, equatorial mount, tripod, solar filter, eyepieces and barlow lens, LED finderscope, smartphone adapter
Large amount of light collected
Possible magnifications with the included eyepieces: 32.5x, 97.5x, 162.5x, 487.5x,, Equatorial mount for precise tracking,, Weight: 10kg (counterweight included)
Due to its 130 mm aperture and short focal length the newBRESSER Spica telescopeis the perfect tool forwide-field observationsof large, faint objects such as the Andromeda galaxy, large open star clusters and vast emission nebulae in our own Milky Way.
It is equipped with anequatorial mount(also known as theparallactic mount). This allows the compensation of the earth's rotation and the exact tracking of the observed celestial object.